Eden Cinema and Rex Hotel


The Eden Cinema is seen near the center of this March 1965 photo. To the left is the Eden apartment building. A shopping arcade called the Passage Eden led from the street at bottom left toward the cinema. This entire square block was razed in 2010, replaced with a monolithic multistory upscale shopping mall known as Takashimaya Saigon Center.

A coworker had an apartment on an upper floor in the Eden building with windows facing Le Loi street. It was served by an old fashioned open cage elevator.

The tall building at center right is the Rex Hotel, then used by the US military as officers quarters. Oddly, it also contained a movie theater, the Rex Cinema, where in 1965 I watched a John Wayne movie dubbed into French with Vietnamese, Chinese and English subtitles. The officers club was on the open air balcony near the top. The Rex is still there and the "O club" is now the hotel bar and restaurant.  

Below is a postcard photo from the entreprises-coloniales.fr website looking North on Tu Do street. The Eden Apartment building is on the left. Photo looks to have been taken from the Caravelle Hotel. While the postcard was mailed in 1963 the photo is likely from 1959 or 1960.